CPR’s Clubhouse (02-28-14) Two hours of non stop continuous NEW Freestyle music featuring George Anthony and Nyasia HEARTBREAKS Willie Valentin Edit Mix, K7 DO OR DIE and FREESTYLE PARTY, Chioma LOVE DOCTOR, Susan Santiago TAKE ME HIGHER, Scarlett Santana YOU AND ME, Rockell YOU KEEP ME HANGING ON, Sharyn Maceren ALL I WANT, Julio Mena START ALL OVER and ON THE HIGHWAY, Synthia Figueroa READY OR NOT and much more.
Listen to FREESTYLE 24 7 365 at www.iHeartFREESTYLE.com and get links to the CPR’s Clubhouse Podcast at www.CPRsMusic.com
CPR’s Clubhouse The Podcast is available for FREE on itunes, podOmatic, Souncloud, Mixcloud, Spreaker, Stitcher and You Tube
CPR’s Clubhouse (02-28-14) by Cpr’s Clubhouse on Mixcloud