CPR’s Clubhouse presents a preview of www.iHeartFREESTYLE.com and the first annual
Star Studded Freestyle Show featuring exclusive new music from P. Version featuring K7, Sharyn Maceren and remixes from The Princess of Style, Synthia Figueroa.
Featuring interviews and commentary from Toddy Terry, TKAs KSeven, Willie Valentin, Artie Rodriguez, Julio Mena, Phillip Anthony and special guest hosts Synthia Figueroa and Lilly Valentin.
Now you can listen to Freestyle 24 hours a day starting on
Valentines Day 2014, go to www.iheartfreestyle.com
CPR’s Clubhouse is hosted by CPR Jose Ortiz
recorded live from 90.7 FM in Springfield MA.
Podcast links available for itunes, podomatic,
soundcloud, mixcloud, youtube, SPREAKER and STITCHER
at www.cprsmusic.com
Listen and Follow CPR’s Clubhouse on these other formats:
CPR’s Clubhouse Star Studded Freestyle Show by Cpr’s Clubhouse on Mixcloud