857. The Duchess and The Countdown

857. The Duchess and The Countdown

857. The Duchess and The Countdown

CPR’s Clubhouse Freestyle Universe is featured 20 hours a week on a variety of platforms.

FM Radio on 90.7 FM in Western MA and CT (6 Hours)

FM Radio on Jamz 99.3 FM in Kansas (3 Hours)

FM Radio on Energy 90.5 FM in Nebraska (3 Hours)

FM Radio on Rhyhm 105.9 AM in California (3 Hours)

iRadio on Hot97seven.com

iRadio on Party1019 on iHeartRadio

iRadio on Power House Radio Florida – Live365

CPR’s Clubhouse Freestyle Universe Podcast on Apple and Amazon Podcasts

In this episode, The Duchess Cheryl Rodriguez hosts this week’s edition of the Top 10 Countdown

plus The Vinyl Assassin, DJ Cliff Potts in the mix

Link Tree – cprsclubhouse | TikTok | Linktree