840. Change on Me (Mr. Exclusive Freestyle Premiere)

840. Change on Me (Mr. Exclusive Freestyle Premiere)

Link to podcast – https://link.chtbl.com/_li89zL2

The Mr Exclusive, Freestyle Premiere of Denine’s “Change On Me’ kicks off this week’s edition of CPR’s Clubhouse Freestyle Universe.

This song, a remake of the original version featured on Tazmania Volume 8 in 26 years ago

The new version produced by Mr Mig and Gino Caporale feature new vocals and a killer break that pay homage to the genesis on the New School Era, “I’ll Be Loving You” by Collage which consisted of Adam Marano, Denine, Gino Caporale and Anthony Monteleone

Plus Lily Rose and Juliana Lee, How You Make Me Feel look to make it 7 weeks in a row at number one on the Top 10 Countdown. Featuring music from Jenni Renee, Nyasia, April, George Anthony and Soave, Luis Marte and Rebekka, Erik Christian, Serene, Alex of Latin Nation and Jenaro and Vera

with new music from 3 2 Da Max