739. Freddy The Edit Rivera: Legend of the Blade (Part Two)

739. Freddy The Edit Rivera: Legend of the Blade (Part Two)

This week, we say good-bye to Freddy Rivera, The Edit; The Legend of the Blade

This episode features project Freddy completed during his time living in New England including What is Going On by Poze, I Got The Juice; a song dedicated to the founder of our radio show, Jesus The Juice Vazquez. Plus listen to Freddy sing; a song taken from AVP Vol. 1 entitled, Myrna.

In addition songs he produced for Jevon, Reveal f Darlene and Michael Anthony

Check out the edits of What is Love by George Lamond and how he gave me my first lesson in how to edit

Plus a unofficial Freestyle Mix of Lady Gaga’s No Way

Cliff Potts is in the mix in the last 10 minutes of this week’s episode

Freddy The Edit Rivera GoFund Me – Please donate to his funeral expenses