710. CPR’s Clubhouse Live! Tazmania Records Panel

710. CPR’s Clubhouse Live! Tazmania Records Panel

710. CPR’s Clubhouse Live! Tazmania Records Panel

On this episode Pure Pleazure’s Michael Astorga, Pain’s Jenaro and Miguel Reyes (Jr.) join us to discuss The Rise and Fall of Tazmania Records Freestyle Label. hosted by CPR Jose Ortiz

Subscribe to the CPR’ Clubhouse Podcast Click this link https://link.chtbl.com/_li89zL2?fbcli…

Pure Pleazure’s Michael Astorga link https://www.facebook.com/michael.asto…

Pain’s Jenaro link https://www.facebook.com/JAYFROMPAIN

Miguel Reyes link https://www.facebook.com/TAINOTRIBE

CPR’s Clubhouse Live! link https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q…

website – cprsmusic.com or cprsclubhouse.com